Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I don't have to look very far to know that people are broken; just a walk over to the mirror for a good look, or a bit of time to monitor my inner thoughts and I have ample evidence.

I also know when I am discouraged by my inward look, I don't have to look far afield to see that divorce rates are higher than ever, that people experience and are impacted by road rage, that children are being hurt every day of their lives by those who are supposed to love them, that people can't get along, that elected officials are making promises they can't keep, rather than caring for the public good, and that even pastors who are supposed to care for their flocks, often care more about their own personal agendas than the good of the church. What has the world come to? Obviously no good!

But then I look into the faces of my grandkids and see acceptance and love, watch my daughter laughing and talking to good friends over the dinner table, watch her care tenderly for her children, see my son work hard cleaning the garage as a way to help, hear about someone who's anonymously donated $35,000 to a small rural church, taking them out of debt, or someone who "gives up" their retirement years to serve people in another culture, and I realize that there's so much good than evil in this world.

Why is it easier for me to get discouraged by all the bad stuff? I know that good and bad coexist in a broken world. I know that there's a solution and answer to the mess, but in the meantime I get sad when I see people choose to not be loyal, honest, forgiving, or self-motivated about their personal and spiritual growth, etc. It bothers me to see those who criticize and accuse, rather than be redemptive and grace centered in their responses. Lately, it seems to be all around me. Sometimes I just want to scream, "ENOUGH!".

I guess I need to recognize that my propensity to see the glass half empty and to be discouraged over the bleaker side of life is not unique to me. I'm trying to pray that God would help me to not be judgmental toward those who are struggling similarly. Isn't it ironic that what I see as excusable in myself, is reprehensible when seen in others? Self-righteousness isn't pretty! I guess I (we all) need to learn to see through new eyes; those that rejoice over the good, even while we have compassion on the brokenness. Eyes that see people as God sees them - precious and worth redemption. This struggle does not get easier as I get older!


  1. I too often see what is reprehensible in others as excusable in myself. after all it is all about SELF isn't it? the whole problem started with SELF. interesting how easy it is to get sucked into the ways of the world as we profess our faith and loyalty to the King of Kings. oh what a wretched man i am!!!!! but praise God that he sees our helplessness and throws us a life line.
    there will come a time when God says ENOUGH! and for those of us hanging on to the lifeline, we will be hoisted up out of this mess and stand with the Holy of Holy's, not in smuggness, but with overflowing humbleness and thanksgiving that the God of the universe, creator of all things, loved ME enough to throw me a line. grab onto Jesus. amen and amen!

  2. Hey K - Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm finding that the cauldrons of relationship and conflict are indeed God's opportunities to show me my heart and to propel me into His loving arms of grace, mercy and forgiveness. It's a mess and would be so much easier to just go to Heaven after becoming a Christian. I guess that sanctification thing in believer's lives is pretty important to God, huh? I'm a slow study, but thankfully the outcome doesn't depend on me. Hope you are well. Miss you.


How do you see it in your world?