Friday, May 14, 2010

Watching the Curtains Mold

Years ago my husband John had a saying, the origin of which I am not sure. When he wanted to indicate that he was bored, or being lazy, he's say, "Ya, I'm sitting around just watching the curtains mold!" Now where he got that interesting quip is beyond me, but I was reminded of it today. I threw my back out two weeks ago and have been less able to be out and about. During this time I've been reading, watching TV, on the internet, and watching the curtains mold. Perhaps it's just a result of too much time on my hands, but I've been pondering some big ideas, for example:

• why is it that some people thrive on change and imbalance, while others crave
stability, "sameness", and routine?

I know people who are bored by routine, while I thrive on knowing the tasks that need to be accomplished and feel the satisfaction of checking items off the list as I go -- yes, I am a list maker! Something soothing to me about that predictability.

I know people who love change -- my oldest son being one. He loves living in new places, seeing new faces, the challenge of the unexpected, and traveling lightly through life. I, on the other hand, love the stability (in my mind anyway) that is represented by lack of change and sameness.

Now I'd never admit to being a boring stick in the mud, or rigid in my desire to experience a predictable life, but apparently if the shoe fits..... Is it just that I'm getting old enough to notice this by virtue of the fact that I can't move as fast as I used to? Or is it that I'm getting more introspective as I get older? Never mind that I forget what I want to do between points a and b. Or is it that I'm becoming more like this as I get older and therefore it's a relatively new development on the personal scene? Well, baby boomers, how about you? Are predictability and stability more on your mental radar of late, or should I see the mental health care people?

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